What’s hiding in your server room?
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What’s hiding in your server room?

The End of Financial Year is the perfect time for an infrastructure audit
Published on
April 19, 2024

Let’s face it – when it comes to technology, we’re all guilty of buying first and asking questions later. Crises arise that require a rapid response, and often we need to make executive decisions to keep the organisation operational.

This can result in a great deal of uncertainty when it comes to technology inventory.

While a ‘healthy’ level of unpredictability fosters innovation and adaptation, unchecked uncertainty leads to costly oversights and missed opportunities. This is especially true when it comes to managing assets, particularly in the realm of IT infrastructure and hardware maintenance.

Without a clear understanding of what assets are in play and their current state, organisations risk inefficiency, security breaches and unnecessary expenditure.

With the End of Financial Year (EOFY) fast approaching, a ‘systems audit’ should go hand-in-hand with an organisation’s financial audit.

The systems audit is a critical, proactive tool in the arsenal of an organisation. Audits serve as a flashlight in the darkness, illuminating the hidden corners of your infrastructure and revealing crucial insights that can drive informed decision-making and cost savings. At Interactive, we understand the paramount importance of such audits, and bring expertise in helping organisations navigate the labyrinth of uncertainty to uncover hidden treasures and mitigate risks.

The benefits of an audit

Know the Unknown

The first step in mastering uncertainty is to confront it head-on. With a comprehensive audit, organisations gain clarity about what assets they possess, their condition, and their usage patterns. This knowledge is invaluable, enabling organisations to make informed decisions based on concrete data rather than conjecture.

Make Informed Decisions

Armed with a detailed understanding of their assets, organisations are able to chart a strategic course forward with confidence. Whether it’s optimising asset utilisation, identifying areas for cost reduction, or bolstering security measures, informed decisions are the bedrock of success in today’s fast-paced environment.

Save Money

Cost savings are one of the most compelling arguments for conducting regular audits. By uncovering redundant or underutilised assets, organisations trim unnecessary expenses and reallocate resources more efficiently. Audits also help identify opportunities for proactive maintenance, preventing costly downtime and unforeseen repairs down the line.


What makes a good audit?

An audit is not merely a box-ticking exercise; it’s a strategic imperative for organisations seeking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Beyond the immediate benefits of cost savings and risk mitigation, audits foster a culture of accountability and transparency within organisations, driving continuous improvement and operational excellence.

While the specifics of an audit may vary depending on the nature and scale of the organisation, certain best practices are universally applicable. These include regularity – as audits should be conducted at predefined intervals to ensure ongoing visibility and control – and collaboration across departments to ensure alignment with organisational objectives.

A robust audit checklist is the cornerstone of any successful audit initiative.


We’ve created a checklist to help you prepare for EOFY:

1. Comprehensive Asset Inventory: 

✔ Catalogue all hardware, software, and peripherals currently in use across your organisation.
✔Include details such as make, model, serial numbers, and location.

2. Maintenance History Review: 

✔ Evaluate the maintenance records of each asset to ensure that regular upkeep and servicing have been conducted according to schedule.
✔ Identify gaps or overdue maintenance tasks, firmware updates are a great example.

3. Utilisation Analysis:

✔ Assess the usage patterns of key assets to determine if they are being optimally utilised.
✔ Identify any underused or dormant resources that could be reallocated, repurposed or de-commissioned.

4. Warranty Status Check: 

✔ Verify the warranty status of hardware components and software licenses.
✔ Determine which assets are covered under warranty and when warranties are set to expire.

5. Security Vulnerability Assessment: 

✔ Conduct a thorough examination of the security measures in place for each asset.
✔ Identify any vulnerabilities or gaps in security protocols that could pose a risk to data integrity or network security.

6. Compliance Evaluation:

✔ Ensure that all assets are compliant with relevant regulatory standards and industry guidelines.
✔ Address non-compliance issues promptly to avoid penalties or legal ramifications.

7. Cost Analysis:

✔ Calculate the total cost of ownership for each asset, including initial purchase price, maintenance expenses, and operational costs.
✔ Identify opportunities for cost reduction or optimisation.

8. Documentation and Reporting:

✔ Document all findings from the audit process and generate a comprehensive asset management report for stakeholders.
✔ Include recommendations for improvement and a roadmap for future audits.


The importance of engaging an expert

Through decades of experience, we know that each organisation is unique, and our tailored approach ensures that our audit services deliver maximum value for our clients.

As we invite organisations to engage with our audit services, we offer them not just a consultation, but a roadmap to savings, security, and peace of mind. By making informed decisions today, organisations can pave the way for smoother renewals, greater efficiency, and a brighter future.

The uncertainty of not conducting an audit can be a liability, but with the right expertise and approach, it becomes an opportunity for growth and optimisation.

EOFY is almost upon us, so now is the time for the systems audit. Embrace the unknown, empower your decisions, and unlock the hidden potential within your infrastructure with Interactive’s audit services by clicking here.

Apply for a FREE Hardware audit

Apply for a FREE in-person, on site audit to discover the hidden savings in your hardware.

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