3 simple ways to ditch archaic cloud commercial models
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3 simple ways to ditch archaic cloud commercial models

In the land down under, cloud adoption is soaring. However, Gartner predicts that through to 2024, 60 per cent of infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders will encounter public cloud cost overruns.  

Globally, cost overruns add up to more than $100 billion in wasted spend, and the primary mistake causing this valuable problem is choosing the wrong team upfront for a migration. In particular, giving critical migration projects to an internal team who isn’t ready and doesn’t have the appropriate skillsets. 

COVID-19 has had a significant part to play in Australia’s rapid cloud adoption. With increased digital dependencies, organisations are rethinking their practices, and moving away from legacy infrastructure – and fast. But how do organisations side-step unnecessary costs down the line while moving at pace to remain competitive? 

Avoid traditional delivery models

Historically, the traditional delivery process of cloud migration meant it could take months before implementation even begins. For the most part, organisations are then locked into multi-year agreements with their Managed Service Provider, with little room for flexibility or changes along the way. 

It’s no wonder that businesses approach providers with caution or instead, attempt to do it themselves without the right skillsets in-house to complete the migration on time, in-scope and within budget. 

Organisations need to stop and consider their position. Are you stuck in a never-ending loop of issues and PowerPoint slides? How many more meetings can you afford before you’re racking up budget breaking costs? Is your current approach preventing your transformation plans? 

Choose flexibility

These unrealistic expectations on organisations, especially in today’s environment, are starting to shift. 

Modern IT service providers or Managed Service Providers are lowering the barriers and aiming to be as frictionless as possible. 

Organisations want to be closer to the technology and have more control over what’s happening. So, solutions like CloudFlex flips the script and puts the customer in the driver’s seat. Onboarding can be completed in days and a SWAT team of experts are landed in to deliver what the customer needs, tapping in and out the right skillsets at the right time. Be it Solution Architects, Specialist Cloud Engineers or even Security Analysts, all managed by a dedicated Project Manager.

Remove the friction

This type of flexible, pay-as-you-go approach significantly reduces friction and costs. Without the right skillsets, missteps in coordinating cloud migration can take its toll. According to McKinsey, those inefficiencies are costing the average company 14 per cent more in migration spend than planned each year, and 38 per cent of companies have seen their migrations delayed by more than one quarter. 

The reality is that organisations don’t always know what they need until they’re already in the thick of it. Cloud migrations are complex and become even more so the more mature an organisation is. An agile model is what’s needed with the customer playing a leading role in its delivery. It’s time to ditch archaic cloud migration models and support Australia’s organisations realistically as they digitally transform. 

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