3 reasons to make the move to high-density Data Centres
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3 reasons to make the move to high-density Data Centres

With an increase in the use of high power computing, the high-density data centre has emerged as an increasingly popular and necessary option to support this higher level of computing power.
Published on
June 27, 2022

The case for high-density data centres

When it comes to your organisation’s capacity to efficiently service customers or employees, the way you store your data plays an essential role.

This is particularly the case for organisations that use high performance computing (HPC), like universities, media production houses, and financial organisations.

However, the reality is that many of these organisations haven’t got the right data centre set-up in place – either because they are trying to utilise an existing in-house facility that lacks appropriate power and cooling, or more alarmingly, their preferred outsourced data centre has been designed for lower densities, resulting in a compromised solution.

But first, what is a high-density data centre?

As today’s organisations continue to have ever-increasing data requirements, many of them require specialised processing functions that can only be supported by using high power computing.

Key insight In fact, 62% of organisations say their rack density has increased over the past three years.

That’s where HDDC comes in.

Essentially, a HDDC facility is one in which rack and power densities are increased to support the needs of HPC. Technologies like on-chip and immersion cooling support the full utilisation of your investment in HPC systems. Traditionally, data centres relied on multiple racks of low-power systems, resulting in an average rack density of around 4kW/rack. We are now seeing air cooled rack densities of up to 30kW/rack, with workloads that quickly ramp up and down requiring adaptive cooling and power systems.

Why move to a high-density data centre?

There are a few key factors driving the trend towards HDDC. The most significant include:

1. Computing power

We are seeing an increase in the use of HPC in financial, media, research and a raft of other industries. These HPC workloads require a high level of computing power, which is not available from cloud-based environments. To support these workloads, organisations must put the right data centre environment and management in place.

2. Cost efficiency

By housing their HPC in an appropriate environment, organisations can gain maximum ‘bang for their buck’ when it comes to their IT investment, with support for extreme performance modes such as turbo and over-clocking.

Additionally, a HDDC solution can potentially be more cost-effective as it’s completely customised to an organisation’s requirements.

3. Sustainability

Data processing has a large carbon footprint. With the cooling innovations utilised in a HDDC, organisations can potentially use less energy per compute node.

Want to know more?

Interactive’s high-density data centres are intelligently designed to support the next generation of infrastructure.

Our high-density data centre solutions have been designed by our team of experts to specifically facilitate high performance computing. We are one of the very few data centres designed for high-density with water-based, close-coupled cooling in Australia. Our adaptive cooling technology is custom-built for high-density environments, ensuring your cooling system follows the workload requirements to keep your IT at a constant ideal temperature.

If you’d like to learn more about how moving to a high-density data centre can give your business a competitive edge, reach out to our experts today.

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