Your business is unique. Your network should be too.
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Your business is unique. Your network should be too.

Lizzi Long, Interactive’s National Sales Manager - network services, shares her thoughts on the top 4 benefits of network customisation.
Published on
May 26, 2021

Why settle for a network that doesn’t suit your business priorities?

A modern network needs to meet all kinds of requirements: security, flexibility, governance and compliance, ease of access, and much more.

However, no two organisations are exactly the same, nor do they have the same requirements when it comes to network infrastructure. Some organisations will have different priorities to others, depending on their size, industry, the nature of what they do, and the type of information they keep.

Despite this, it is not uncommon for organisations to settle for ‘one size fits all’ solutions when it comes to their network or to source their entire network services from the one provider, without ‘shopping around’.

Since the introduction of innovative network technologies like SD-WAN, organisations no longer need to be tied to a single carrier and have far more flexibility when it comes to their network configuration.

It is why, at Interactive, we simply do not see the merit in having a network that is not entirely customised to your business and your specific needs. Instead, we always make it a priority to understand your requirements up-front, source the products, services and suppliers that are the most ideal fit, and provide you with a fully tailored solution that gets results for your business.

So why is it so essential to have a customised network managed by an expert partner? We spoke to Lizzi Long, Interactive’s National Sales Manager – network services, and she shared her thoughts on the 4 key benefits of network customisation – based on her extensive experience in helping businesses choose and implement the solution that is ideal for their business.

1. A network that is fit for purpose

With a fully customised network, you get a solution that is fit for purpose. This means you are only paying for the services and components you need – rather than procuring unnecessary additions as part of an overall package. You are also able to select individual components based on what is right for your business, rather than being limited to what a single carrier has to offer.

Key insight Unlike a customised solution, a one-size-fits-all network runs the risk of being over or under-provisioned in different circumstances. This can lead to all kinds of inefficiencies, increased spend and potentially, security risks.

At Interactive, we work with you from the outset to understand your specific requirements across a broad range of criteria – security, speed, scalability, flexibility, service levels and many more. We then leverage our relationships with different carriers to source individual components and services that are the ideal fit for you. This means you are never paying more than is necessary, and if a particular component no longer meets your needs, we simply source another that is more suitable.

2. Ease of management

To build an ideal network today, chances are that you will need to utilise services and components from a range of carriers. While this is something that you can manage internally, it can also be an inefficient and sometimes frustrating use of your time. It can also result in a blame-game between carriers if something goes wrong.

With Interactive, you get a single partner who can manage and liaise with multiple carriers on your behalf, and who can take full ownership of your entire network solution from start to finish. This means you have ultimate peace of mind that everything is working as it should, and if a problem arises, you have a single and trusted partner you can count on.

3. Broad, high quality offering

Another great advantage of choosing an experienced and reputable managed services partner like Interactive is that we can leverage our extensive industry relationships to provide you with all kinds of options – and potential cost savings – when it comes to your network configuration. We have deep working relationships with all of the major telecommunications carriers, and can also deliver expertise and assistance across the full spectrum of network services, from colocation through to multi-cloud services.

We can also customise every single element of your network depending on your needs – whether it is the carrier you prefer to use, the technology type, your speed or bandwidth requirements, redundancy expectations, SLA needs, or the level of security you require.

4. Cost savings

Another major benefit of a customised network is the overall cost-savings it can deliver.

By selecting individual network components based on your needs, you are never paying for more than you need to.

Plus, we can leverage our strong relationships with a broad range of carriers to secure volume discounts, and ensure we are offering you the most competitive pricing available. Interactive is also constantly investigating new technologies to ensure you have access to the best, most cost-effective and relevant products and services.

Want to find out more?

Interactive has been running data centres across Australia for over 20 years.

Providing a superior experience for our customers is important to us and that’s why our data centres are staffed 24×7 with highly skilled engineers ready to provide you support, technical advice, project management, remote hands and much more. With 6 data centres in Australia and access to a network of leading partners such as NextDC and Equinix, we can find a solution that fits.

Interactive’s technicians are ready help, letting you focus on what matters most to you – your business!

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